Registration type

Registration Fee

Participants presenting accepted work

Participants not presenting accepted work

IRASA members presenting accepted work

IRASA members not presenting accepted work

Other participants

50 EUR

55 EUR

30 EUR

35 EUR

55 EUR


Registration fee includes:

  • Book of Abstracts in paper and electronic form
  • Book of Proceedings in electronic form
  • Access to all scientific sessions with certificate
  • Congress Lunch and Coffee breaks

 Listed amounts in EUR or HKR (at the official middle exchange rate of the NBH on the day of payment) should be paid to the following MIANU bank account: IBAN: HR7324840081135124754 (Raiffeisen bank)For payments from abroad:Description of payment: Registration fee for SETI III conference – name and surname of the authorIBAN: HR7324840081135124754 (Raiffeisen bank)SWIFT / BIC: RZBHHR2XInstitution: MIANU Address: Zagreb, Fočanska ulica 35.

Please be so kind to provide the necessary information to issue an invoice for the paid registration fee to the