Journal of social sciences and humanities
MIANU – SCIENCE AND PRACTICE (SAP), a journal for of social sciences and humanities is an international peer reviewed journal open to scientists from all over the world. Papers are published in English.
The Editorial Board receives all manuscripts that will be reviewed and accepted accordingly. After evaluation Editorial decisions for further action may include: manuscript should be returned to the author with suggestions, comments and recommendations for improvement (methodological presentation of research materials), manuscripts could be sent to peer-review process, manuscripts should be rejected because of the reasons as follows:
- the subject matter does not meet the required scientific level,
- the article with a similar topic has already been published by the same author,
- the subject matter does not meet the criteria of the Journal or does not meet international scientific and methodological standards.
Accepted manuscript by the Editorial Bord is sent to two reviewers for double-blind peer review by two academics appointed by the Editorial bord.
Reviewers are anonymous for the authors as well are the authors for the reviewers. The reviewers need to apply highest international standards in their assessment. Reviewers receive the manuscript and the Assesment Form as well as the Assesment Instructions.
Possible categories of the manuscripts are:
- Original scientific paper – is a scientific paper which presents new results based on the research. The article can be verified by reproducing methodological procedure or repeating the author’s observations and judge his analyses as well as by checking the author’s results and ideas.
- Preliminary communication – is an article that includes pieces of scientific information on which disscussion presented in the manuscript is based.
- Conference paper – is an article that presents author’s paper presented at a conference but it must not been previously published as a full text.
- Review article – is an article that analyzes scientific problem which has been published but gives a new approach.
- Professional paper – is an article that disscuses problems in professional areas.
If the manuscript is considered for publishing, in order to confirm the validity and authorship of the manuscript, the author will receive the Copyright Assignment Form to fill in, sign and deliver to the editor.
Book reviews, reviews on doctoral dissertations, as well as reviews on international conferences and seminars are not submitted to external reviews. They are accepted or rejected by the Editor and co-editors.
Only manuscripts with two positive reviews are published.
Organization of the manuscript
The manuscript should include the research problem with stated aim and tasks and with detailed methodology, the research objective, achieved results and findings, conclusions and a list of references.
The separate cover page needs to contain:
- the article title
- the author’s full name
- the author’s academic affiliation (title, institution, scientific field)
- the author’s contacts: phone, fax, e-mail address and per sonal website
- The ORCID identifier of a researcher (unique and permanent identifier which allows for better visibility and interoperability of wide range of information systems)
- in case of more authors all the stated information for co-authors
- JEL classification from http://www. aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.html
The second page needs to co ntain:
- the article title
- JEL classification
- abstract and key words
The last page needs to contain:
- short information about the authors (CV in 200 – 300 words)
The main body of the manuscript needs to contain:
- introduction, headings, footnotes, references in the text, tables, figures, conclusions and references.
Technical requirements
The manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Office Word, Times New Roman 12 points, single spaced, maximum length up to14-20 A4.
Abstracts should contain maximum 250 words and need to present purpose and research objective methodology and main findings. Key words are inseparable part of the abstract and are written just below the main taxt of the abstract without the additional spacing.
Paragraphs are divided by double spacing and all margins are at 2.5 cm.
The text should not simply repeat the data contained in tables and figures. The tables and figures need to be explained in the text.
Footnotes are used only as an additional explanatory section of the text and need to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
Headings must be clear and short and are not numbered.
All tables and figures should be numbeered and named at the top and tse source needs to be stated at the bottom.
The references in the text as well as the list of the references at the end of the manuscript need to be presented in Harvard style. List of references should include only the titles (sources) that have been referred to and quoted in the paper.
Harvard style includes:
the author’s surname and publication year is written within the text in brackets: (Horvat, 1972) or (Smith and Johns, 1996), or in the case of more than two, the first author (from the title page) followed by “et al.” (Cutler et al., 1980).
In case the author’s name occurs naturally in the text, the year follows in the brackets: The work of Horvat (1972) gives a special …
In case of direct quotations the page numbers should be added, e.g. (Smith, 1987: 22–28).
The list of references at the end of the manuscript is organized alphabetically as follows:
Surname, Initials (year) Title, Place of publication: Publisher.
If there are multiple authors (four or more) the first author’s surname (from the title page ) is followed by et al.
Surname, Initials (year) “Title”, Journal, Volume, Number, pages.
If there are multiple works by the same author published in the same year, the “a, b, c” is used after the year.
Internet sources
Title or other available information, Internet access and date of accessing.
Chapter/section from a book of collected writings
Author of the chapter/ section (year of publication) “Title of the Chapter/section”. In Author/editor of collected work, Title of collected works, Place of publishing: Publisher.
Conference papers from conference proceedings:
Author of the conference paper (year of publication) “Title of the conference paper”. In Title of conference proceedings. Place of publication: Publisher, pagination of section referred to.
Theses and dissertations
Author’s name (year) Title of doctoral dissertation, the name of the awarding institution
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are accurately typed before final submission.
Once the article has been accepted for publishing, the author commits him/herself not to publish the same article elsewhere without the Editorial Board’s permission.
In the event that the Editorial Board gave permission for publication in another journal, it should be stated that the article has previously been published in MIANU – SCIENCE AND PRACTICE (SAP) – Journal of social sciences and humanities.
Authors warrant that their paper is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.
Manuscripts are sent by electronic submission to:
Editorial Bord